Thursday, March 17, 2005
me,myself and i
1. Hair: black
2. Eyes: brown
3. Height: 154cm...wish m taller...nak skip everyday la...

1. Style: bitchy...yeah rite!! m very girlie.
2. Music: sappy ballads... ;p
3. Make-up : bobbi brown.. ;)

1. Wearing: jeans + shirt
2. Listening to: hitz fm from my hp
3. Thinking of: nicky at home....miss u ;)

1. Bought: my dinner
2. Ate and drank: rice + h20
3. Read: my e-mails
4. Watched on TV: Hitch...cute story..

1. Club or houseparty: houseparty..i dont do clubbing..
2. Tea or coffee: tea
3. Achiever or slacker: achiever!! m gonna conquer the world someday...ehem
4. Beer or cider: -
5. Drinks or shots: -
6. Cats or dogs: cats
7. Single or taken: married ;)
8. Pen or pencil: both
9. Gloves or mittens: gloves
10. Food or candy: both
11. Cassette or CD: both
12. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
13. Hard or mild alcohol: -
14. Matches or a lighter: -
15. Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: b and b
16. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey: oprah

1. Touched: lina
2. Talked to: lina and abon...
3. Hugged: does charlie counts??
4. Instant messaged: online pal
5. Kissed: my parents :)mama..i miss u...
6. Who broke your heart: one i the heartbreaker here...

1. Eat: ktr
2. Dance : in my room ;)
3. Cry: on my bed

1. Dated one of your best friends?: nope...does going 4 movies counts?? eeerrrmmmm...
2. Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: once...still love him tho..m a loser!!
3. Drank alcohol?: nope
4. Done drugs: of course not
5. Broken the law: many times
6. Ran away from home: nope
7. Broken a bone: nope
8. Cheated on a test: hehe...time kecik2 dulu..
9. Skinny dipped: nope
10. Played truth or dare: yup
11. Flashed someone: haha...ya...(Bai!! my roomies...)
12. Mooned someone: nope...looking for mangsa...
13. Kissed: plenty of gfs..haha...m a "les"...shhhh!!!
14. Been on a talk/game show : nope..been in an iklan tho...;p
15. Been in a fight: can't remember..maybe
16. Ridden in a big truck: nope
17. Been on a plane: yup
18. Come close to dying: no...thankfully
19. Cheated on your boy/girl: nope
20. Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: my sis...moki
21. Eaten a worm/mud pie? :nope
22. Swam in the ocean: yup
23. Had a nightmare/dream that made u awake : plenty of times

- WHAT IS... -
1. Your bedroom like?: used to be so clean and tidy...but then my sis used it's pink tho...with stars and butterflies on the walls and posters ;)
2. Your favorite thing for breakfast?: pancakes
3. Your favorite thing for lunch? : nasi
4. Your favorite thing for dinner?: nasi
5. Your favorite Restaurant?: not macha!! ;p

- ARE YOU... -
1. A vegetarian?: nope
2. A Good Student?: once upon a time...long2 ago...
3. Good At Sports? : yup..used to be
4. Good At Wakeboarding/Snowboarding: wats a wakeboarding??
5. A Good Singer?: better than celine dion...ehem...
6. A good Actor/Actress?: hhmmmm
7. A deep sleeper?: definately.
8. A good dancer ? : ppl say so...yes i guess
9. Shy ?: not usually
posted by Afnie at 11:29 PM - 0 comments
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
happy ;)
leganye dah habis present i can start thinking about 2nite...Malam SCS!! me, tiny and lina (Les Cekodok) are gonna sing!! tats a once in a lifetime those yg actually dapat dengar our "nyempreng" voices shud consider urself extremely lucky!! my mum pun never heard i sing before... ;p and cl!! 2nd leg MU vs San Siro!! shud b a cracker...just hope i can stay awake throughout the whole game... ;) Go UNITED!!! ehem...can oogle at Maldini some more ;P
posted by Afnie at 12:30 PM - 0 comments
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
aaaaaaggghhhhh!!!! dah nak exams!! m beginning to get all stressed out....assignments...presentations...practise...dinner.. ;)
but i don't care!!! m going back to kl next week no matter wat!! ;)
posted by Afnie at 3:28 PM - 0 comments
Me Myself and I
Nur Afnie Arifin
25 year old female
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